Thursday 27 August 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Who am I?
Hello everyone, I’m Sameera. An entrepreneur and student of psychology and human rights. These subjects interest me as I believe nothing compares to the minds capabilities when in the right conditions. I enjoy learning how to grow into the best version of myself and helping others also develop a strong mindset. I really enjoy learning how to raise my consciousness and I will be sharing content to help you do this also. 
The subconscious mind doesn’t know what’s real or not so we experience what we tell ourselves. Society has conditioned many of us to be trapped in limitations, the only limitations that exist lie in the mind. The time has come to awaken to our greatness and become who we came here to be.
Everything we experience is either a blessing or a lesson. Most importantly it’s all just an experience. Learn what you can and let go, you are not your story.  The power is in the NOW, the past is gone we can’t change it and the future is not here  yet so we can’t control it. This moment right here is a blessing, it is the only thing that exists so let’s stay present and be grateful. Silence your mind and let your soul speak.
My dreams- or rather my goals as I’m taking action towards them, include serving mankind in awakening the geniuses that lay within us. I believe I was born to make a difference and shake up the mindset of the masses to see that there is much more to life than your monotonous cycle.  Life begins at the end of your comfort zone and I enjoy helping others to heal their imbalances and tap into their infinite potential and more importantly our intuition.
Through spirituality I have learnt that there is a God within each of us, laying dormant until we remember who we are, know thyself! The more I learn the more I realise we know so little and there is infinite knowledge to be discovered that would benefit mankind greatly. I would like to be an instrument to facilitate change and remind you of your innate strengths.
Welcome to my mind…


  1. A strong mindset must mean to have a great capacity to face challenges.
    Our governments give out so much misinformation that the first challenge is to decide what is true and what not is true.
    For example; it is generally accepted that Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon. If he was the 1st man on the Moon then why did he live his life as a recluse?
    Luckily the internet is a good source of information. Since the (supposed) landing of Apollo series craft, a human has never gone further than 360 miles above the Earth. For a Moon landing a distance of 237,000 miles there and back is required.
    My challenge to you is to decide whether or not the whole world has been deceived.

  2. You're right, the media is especially a fallacy. Many people believe things are true just because it is displayed on mainstream media but we can't be completely sure of anything. They say there are 7.3 billion people in the world but how can we definitely know this to be true unless we met or counted all of them ourself. If they lie about trivial matters it's crazy to think about what else is being hidden from us. The internet is amazing though for finding true knowledge so it is up to us to emancipate ourselves
